Dr. Manny DeBono O.D.
Practicing in Mississauga since 1983, Dr. D. was one of the first wave of Optometrists to garner the TMOD certification (Treatment & Management of Ocular Disease ). Prior to graduating from University of Waterloo, Dr. DeBono attended Applewood H.S. which is just down the road a bit. Apart from private practice, Manny has business interests related to the visual field across Canada and has lectured on behalf of many of the major contact lens and pharmaceutical companies in both Canada and the United States and even once in Mexico. Wife Cathy and two great kids Kelly and Mark.
Temporarily retired from coaching hockey but son Mark has taken up the baton and is presently working with the Bantan AA Jets in the GTHL.
Love to golf and garden and be outdoors !!
Dr. Peter Gautier: His wifes name is Sara, and they have two awesome sons, Adam and Benjamin.
Son Ben is quite the hockey player and Peter and Sara are now dedicated Hockey Parents. Son Adam is also athletic and enjoys martial arts and time with his brother.
Long time Mississauga resident and a serious family man.
-: Staff :-
Cathy [Office Administrator]
Judi Aiello [Technician]
Susan Mancini
Marta ( Technician)
Pam ( Technician)