Blindness From Smoking
Teenagers fear blindness more than lung cancer or stroke
nine out of 10 don t know that smoking can rob them of their sight in later life.
Teenagers fear blindness more than lung cancer or stroke but nine out of 10 don t know that smoking can rob them of their sight in later life reveals research published ahead of print in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. The findings are based on the responses of 260 clubbers aged between 16 and 1...
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Learn How Smoking Can Be Damaging To Your Eyesight
"The chemicals from cigarettes can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva causing your eyes to be irritated and turning red" Most people are not aware of this fact or choose to ignore it but smoking can be very damaging to your eyes. The chemicals from cigarettes can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva causing your eyes to be irritated and turning red. Studies have indicated that a correlation between smoking and a development of cataracts. Smoking is also found to be related to eye dis...
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Smoking and Vision
By quitting smoking you offer your eyes a chance to see well into the future.Smokers are consistently bombarded with information about how much damage cigarettes inflict on the lungs and heart. Little data is provided about the ill-effects of smoking on the eyes arguably the most important human sense. Studies have shown that of all five of our senses eyesight is the one that people are most anxious about losing; quitting smoking may be easier knowing that your eyes are suffering a little...
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Smoking: NOT a Good Idea for Good Vision
A recent survey taken from groups of teenagers who routinely go out “clubbing” reveals some startling information for those who are trying to reduce smoking among that vulnerable age group.
Over 250 teens were surveyed outside of four club venues in the UK; ages of participants ranged from 16 to 18 years. In the group, about 21% of females and 15% of males said they were daily smokers. The clubbers were asked if they knew about the link between smoking and certain disease...
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