Causal Factors of Myopia in Children
Current research is looking into whether reading triggers myopia in children who have a genetic propensity for it. Myopia is a vision condition that results in difficulty seeing objects at a distance but near objects can be seen clearly. Myopia occurs because the eyeball is too long or the focusing power is too strong. Thus light focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it causing blurred distant objects.
In some areas of the world as in Singapore and Taiwan approximately ...
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Degenerative Myopia
Technically known as myopia (my-O-pe-ah) nearsightedness is a vision problem that affects over 25 per cent of adults worldwide and it is the most common vision problem in the United States. Nearsighted people experience difficulty seeing objects at a distance but can see objects at close range. Myopia occurs because the eyeball is too long as measured from front to back. As a result light focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it causing blurred distant objects. The more myopic y...
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Technically known as myopia (my-O-pe-ah) nearsightedness is a vision problem that affects over 25 per cent of adults worldwide and it is the most common vision problem in the United States. Nearsighted people experience difficulty seeing objects at a distance but can see objects at close range. Myopia occurs because the eyeball is too long as measured from front to back. Thus light focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it causing blurred distant objects.
Nearsightedness ...
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Research Shows That Summer Babies Prone To Myopia
The reason: early-life exposure to natural light Study showed that babies born during June and July have a 24% greater chance of becoming severely shortsighted than those born in the winter. Prof. Michael Belkin a professor at Tel Aviv University s Goldschleger Eye Research Institute makes sure his grandchildren wear sunglasses even as babies. He advises all parents to do the same. He ought to know. Belkin has been researching the eye for over 30 years and is one of the foremost professors i...
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What is Myopia? What Causes it?
Myopia is a refractive error also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness . (Refractive errors are named for where the uncorrected vision is better; in this case, nearsightedness gives good vision up close, but blurriness for things in the distance.)
In an eye that is myopic, light rays entering the eye are brought to a focus in front of the retina instead of exactly on it, so images are blurry instead of being sharp and clear. When the myopi...
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